Sunday, July 1, 2012


"Nothing is no thing, denoting the absence of something. Nothing is a pronoun associated with nothingness, which is also anadjective, and an object as a concept in the Frege-Church ontology.

In nontechnical uses, nothing denotes things lacking importance, interest, value, relevance, or significance. Nothingness is the state of being nothing, the state of nonexistence of anything, or the property of having nothing."~wiki

Guess what, I have nothing to say. Well, I'm not that boring for sure. Talk about nothing, makes me remember the moment someone ask me if I have any problem, I'll keep saying "nothing, I'm okay" while literally I'm not.

In my life, my self-dictionary says 'nothing' means 'something'. Yes, there's something, it just I can't say it, you can't say it. Yes, there's something, it just you can't tell anybody. And there's always something, which just that no one deserve to know.

Okay, I'm not trying to confuse those middle school students, of course, nothing's still nothing. Please reread what's Wiki says above. But, in some condition, it can be just like mine.

-the 'nothing' speaks nothing-