Saturday, August 8, 2015


At first, there is something wrong with the lights. Then, it is drizzling outside. I already went to the toilet, and still have a thought if I go one more time, refreshing myself, definitely will help me sleeping tonight. Wake up from the higher bed than what I used to suddenly it is... dark. Blackout.

For some people, this situation is an advantage for them to sleep. No light, coldness from the rain. Honestly if I'm at home, I will probably be naked under my blanket. If only!

But not here, I started to hear a crying children from the other room, nope it is a child, or maybe children, because I cannot hear clearly. Then there is a nurse entering our room, informing "The situation is under control, please stay on your own bed, gentlemen."

I nodded, I am sure she saw me nodding in the darkness but the light from the cars on the street helping that young woman see clearly. Just before leaving us, I ask "Nurse, how about him?" pointing at the guy sleeping on the next bed beside me.
"He will be alright, the machine he's depending to have an emergency battery up to 12 hours without charging." She smile.

'How come such big well funded hospital do not have any backup power?'

The kid or kids that crying just now is silent, not just that, it is a total silent. There is no voice inside my head, I wonder  is the little me sleeping? I hear only two things, droplets and my heart beats,until I fall asleep.


Not having a good sleep last night, my head is dizzy. But it is totally not the sleep, some noise from the next bed at 6 in the morning, yes, it is the one who disturbed my mind. I sit on my bed, bow a little bit just so my hand can reach the curtain. The curtain then pulled by the very know palm of the nurse visited us last night.
"He's dead." I look onto her watery eyes, I know she have a story for me, but she is just standing there, speechless.