Monday, May 14, 2012

Sesalan :(

Title tak leh blah doe, cam tajuk novel jer (for sure love novel) x_x

Well, 'Sesalan'??? What should i talk about it??? I don't have much to say, guess.. Let me tell you where the story began. It started three days ago, I went to sleep during the midday.. ZZzzzZZZzzZZZZzzzz... (bosan)

Okay2, tak de mood nak tulis banyak2, masa bangun dari tidur tu, tengok2 dah terdelete folders (plural, means more than one) kat my phone tu... Macam nak mengamok satu rumah je, tapi sabar je laaa... Because I really have no idea who delete it (perhaps that phone delete it by itself, tau2 je la, Smart Phone la katakan). Since it happen around 2p.m, petang tu terus tak de mood nak gi maen badminton. (But the truth is, petang tu maen gak, LOL).. Terpaksa jak la maen sambil dengar satu lagu yang tak terdelete dalam phone tu. (Teenagers - MCR). owh, lupa lak, folder yang terdelete tu antaranya folder 'Music'. Then malam tu dah ada mood sikit, ngat nak gi backup folder 'Picture' kat lappy, tapi... (urghhhh, malas nak cite) folder 'Picture tu pun terdelete gak.. Thats what I called SESALAN :(

Sesal dahulu pendapatan,  
Sesal kemudian tidak berguna.

Macam tu la yang terjadi kat hamba yang malang ini o_o, Menyesal sebab tak pernah backup files and folders kat my phone tu, even there is lot of chance :( Until today, I still have only one song at my phone. then really have no idea what to do with it. Well, that's the end of my story.. But in this case, there is no such "Sesal dahulu pendapatan..." sebab tak de ape yang nak disesalkan before this..

Ni lagu "Beribu Sesalan" yang sedang feymes kat Malaysia sekarang :)

By the way, my story is only a small matter compared to what actually happened in this real world. When we talk about this 'Regretting' things, I have a bigger story to be shared.

A friend of my friend shared this story to him(my friend). She is married on her 18th birthday, now she is 19 years old. A young bride, she is suffered so much. She never knew that she'll becoming a marriage victim. Her husband is a successful businessman, rich, not too old for her (his age only around 24 to 27), but was a kind man. She never complained to her parents for arranging their wedding on her 18, because she said her parents know what best for her. Since  she is the oldest child in the family, she thought it is not good for the other siblings to see if she argue what had been planned by her parents.

After the engagement, she try to get to know more about her husband-to-be. Well, she satiesfied (I actually don't know how to define this 'satiesfied'). She said to her mom, "He is a kind man", she thanked her. 

But in this world, there is no such an happy ending story, while the story only begin after their marriage. (I'm not supposed to tell this) She is shocked on the first night, her husband raped her without no mercy. She told her mom, "but honey, in the religion, there is no things like that", her mom advised her. She tried to calm down, find the positive mind and pretended like it is a normal things as a wife. 

Too bad, the married-girl became worse after a month. Her husband's business is not so good after their wedding, and with no-rational-brain man, he blamed the innocence girl. (Stupid). She is not only a sex-slave to her own husband, but now she is also a victim of abused marriage. What sad her the most, when her family members 'close their eyes' like there is nothing happened.
Susan's 13-year-old son videotaped his mother being beaten by his father. ~source:

Glad, right after the first anniversary, she came to my friend's (used to be her best friend) house. By telling all this lies, my friend asked her to make a police report. It is for her own safety and her child (she is pregnant, but I'm not sure how many months). She stayed on my friend's house until the police caught her husband. And now, she is back to her family.

See, this is the real regret. I don't know what to say anymore, just hoping she'll get justice on the court later. Jangan jadikan hidup anda dipenuhi sesalan. In conjunction of the Mother's Day celebration, 

because someday you'll losing her forever. 

..\/, PEACE