Saturday, May 12, 2012

Perception ...L

What did you see right after the title, "Perception"??? I mean, this "triple dots plus capital 'l'. Nampak macam pelik, ada orang nampak benda tu just benda biasa, ada orang perhaps thinks that it's my trademark or something (its actually a 'LOSER' sign, imagine how you do the sign with your fingers)... Soooo, did you see that??? Did you?? What? You didn't? Okay2, never mind x_x" lets take a look this one lak,

Face??? "Liar"??? You Decide.

Hah!!! Did you got the picture?? Well, some might say, it is an optical illusion, but I (maybe us) called it Perception. I hope you got the main idea, because it's only the beginning of the PEACE talk :)

Nah, the story begin here, when I was at the my college. A fine day, the day supposed to be a great day, but it was vice versa :( Normally I'll start my day by updating some motivational words on the social networking (One of my ways to motivate myself). So, tu dah jadi satu budaya for me, tapi... (jeng jeng jeng, suspen lak, LOL) rupa-rupanya there is someone yang misunderstood about this small thing. Dia ni (pompuan) tak puas hati with me, I don't know why?? Sebab kitorang memang tak rapat pown. Tapi suddenly dia comment/mention kat social network tu, cakap I'm fake (bukan dia ngaku dia fake, tapi dia cakap gua fake, ade ke patot), sapa tak panas bhai, kalau orang cakap benda-benda yang tak betul pasal kau.. Nasib kau pompuan, I respect laa jugak.

Dipendekkan cerita, ni la yang dinamakan persepsi (perception) dalam kehidupan. Apa yang kau buat/fikir tak sama dengan orang laen, rambut sama hitam, hati lain-lain. Kalau kau compare ngan gambar tadi tu, ada paham tak? Persepsi ni sometimes can be good and opposite. Tetapi, ada perkara yang memberi impak yang besar kepada persepsi, 

"The Way You Think"
Yes, the way you think about someting/someone betul-betul memberi kesan kepada persepsi anda, when you think positive, then it'll be positive, while it'll be negative if you think so. (for sure - in this case - there is no natural, neither positive nor negative).

pompuan tu cam ni laa, kejap muda, kejap tua (iklan je ni)
Perception (from the Latin perceptio, percipio) is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory information in order to fabricate a mental representation through the process of transduction, which sensors in the body transform signals from the environment into encoded neural signals. 
~sumber Wikipedia (korang paham tak ape dia tulis, honestly aku tak paham x_x")

PERCEPTION? You decide! 

..\/, PEACE