Friday, December 27, 2013

Trust II

She asked me, "Macam mana nak percaya org"
So I made her wait for it.

Of course Joe Moore have a point, but it doesn't fit her question. Well, everybody have a trust issue. I believe most of us heard these trust quotes,

Trust yourself, then you will know how to live. 
Trust is like a mirror, you can fix it if it's broken, but you can still see the crack in that reflection. 
Trust is like a paper once it's crumpled it can't be perfect. 

Now, trust seems like not a small matter.  It is! You know you couldn't build a relationship without a trust! Yes, relationship has to be built on trust. Trust is what allows us to have meaningful relationships with other people; without it, you cannot converse without wondering whether the person speaks truthfully. You would be unable to believe what another is saying. I do think there are different levels of trust and that being skeptical of many others is wise. Without any trust at all, however, life becomes quite lonely.

But, trust isn't that all, trust, in the other hand is a confident belief. The confidence arising from one's own experience of a consistent pattern of past instances. Trust is different from belief and faith due to its basis being own past experience which places the degree of confidence higher than in the case of a belief and lower than in the case of a faith. Thus, being able to depend upon someone or something completely and knowing that what you believe to be true is true, that's trust.

It's so much to be digested I guess. Just if you're asking me "what is trust?", instead of "how to trust a person?", for sure I know the answer, I always keep in my mind, trust is hope, trust is I know the truth is being told, trust is acceptance that something is what it appears to be. Trust is when you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that another person will be there for you. 

When you're crossing a bridge. When you drive across that bridge, you trust the engineers and contractors to have built that bridge to last. You expect that you will get from one side to the other without incident. That is trust.

Dear you, I have no answer for your question, I'm sorry, but I really do. But for whatever trust is, I just want you to know, trust isn't something we can build from it's very beginning. It's always there since the birth of every living soul. I put my trust to everybody, and get knowing that other put theirs to me. And I want you to do the same. Because to be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved. Because a person who trusts nobody is apt to be the kind of person nobody trusts. Because we grow in time to trust the future for our answers. 

In the end, it's not really about how to trust others, it's a matter of trusting yourself. I hope you get me. Really hope you do.