Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hope 2.0

"I'm done giving hope. Because I will never be an idol, never be..."

Why 'Hope 2.0'? Because the first version is here. I hate hoping for something, hoping for someone, hoping myself to be like this, to be like that, to be better, or whatsoever. But then I saw this movie, Hugo. A movie adapted from a novel, 'The Invention of Hugo Cabret' by Brian Selznick is such an inspiring one. 

So how actually the movie does inspired me to keep hoping? Let’s start with two scenes of the original script from the movie.



Hugo kneels to wind the clock, which is at foot level. Isabelle sits next to him.


It's the only way we'll find out everything ... Papa Georges will see that there are people who remember him. How can that be wrong?


I don't know...

Please, Isabelle ... I have to know what this is all about.

She nods.

He works on the clock.

Through the clock face she notices Monsieur Rouleau putting away his brushes for the day. His Surrealist painting is coming along well.

She sees a passing WHEALTHY COUPLE commenting unfavourably on his painting. Monsieur Rouleau ignores them with dignity.

Poor Monsieur Rouleau ... He works so hard. People just don't understand.

He keeps at it though. He's got a real ... purpose.

What do you mean?


Could you hand me that?

She hands him a tool from the bucket.

She flops over on her back, looking up at him as he continues to work on the clock:

I mean ... Did you ever notice that all machines are made for some reason? They make you laugh, like Papa Georges toys, or they tell time, like the clocks ... Maybe that's why broken machines always make me sad, because they can't do what they're meant to do.

She looks up at him. From her perspective, he is beautifully framed by the intricate clockwork.

Maybe it's the same with people. If you lose your purpose ... it's like you're broken.

Like Papa Georges.

Maybe ... And we can fix him.

He continues to work on the clock.

A beat as she watches him.

Is that your purpose?


That. Fixing things.

I don't know. It's what my father did.

Then what's my purpose?

I don't know.

A long beat as she thinks about it.

It seems to make her sad.

Maybe if I had known my parents I would know.

A beat.

The people I read about in books, they always have a purpose ... But maybe I don't.

She gazes out over the terminal, a little lost.

He looks at her.

A beat.

Come with me.


The enormous clock.

The majestic view of Paris.

Again, vaguely unreal. Like an exquisite toy model.

The lights of the city are twinkling on. It is magical. The whole city seems to move and flow like an elegant, perfect machine.

Hugo and Isabelle look over the city.

Right after my father died, I would come up here a lot ... I would imagine that the whole world was one big machine. Machines never have any extra parts, you know. They always have the exact number they need. So I figured if the entire world was a big machine I couldn't be an extra part, I had to be here for some reason ... And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.

She is touched.

Paris sparkles below. Like it is made of stars.

The only sound is steady, rhythmic pulse of the clock's machinery.

She gently takes his hand.

They are silhouetted before the glowing city.


Isn't it beautiful? I was touched watching these two scenes. Yes, I lost my hope. And to gain it back is not easy, absolutely not easy. But what Hugo mentioned on the film is such a wakeup call. Everybody have their own purpose, in life, to both, in God and humanity. So to hope again is of course another next thing-to-do list.

"Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." (Phil. 2:4)

p/s: if any of you wants the movie, tweet me, i can send you the download link :)

Friday, July 26, 2013

Get To Know Better.

Its few minutes before 11 at night here. Sitting next to my cousin bed in this ward, I'm trying to cool down my anger.

I don't really a type that can get angry if someone or some situation don't please my condition in general. For me, anger is just a thing that could make things better in the future, BUT it mostly turns vice versa. So I prefer to forgive people, because we're all the whole time learners.

However, it's still compulsory to get angry with someone's 'unique' which probably can't stand with normal peoples' language. So as my story began just now, I literally having problem with the internet connection. I might sounds ridiculous but for your information, I have works, a lot of them, to be done with only if there is internet.

"Emergency calls only", urghhh!!! (x_x")
I just renew my subscription of the weekly broadband plan and hope that it would make my works done faster than using the monthly post-paid plan from another internet service provider on my home. At first, all my downloads and uploads run well. But since around 12 at noon today, things gone wrong.I was assuming that might be caused by some devices in this hospital which can disable wireless connection as it's required by some machines for other patients’ safety. Yes, these devices are exist. But then when I went out from the hospital area, it's still the same.

For sure it's not a good reason to get angry with the service provider. Do you know what the good one is? It's when you try to make a report about it, you just can't because you obviously can't make a call is there's no service around. I started feel annoy at that time. Still, I manage to find other alternative to contact my internet service provider. At the end, I finally can reach them by using other open network somewhere in the city. Trying to be more rational, I look around their websites for an announcement of 'maintenance' stuff or something. Yet it's not there. So I make a call via public phone.

"The internet service is not available at current time, we are sorry for your inconvenience"

Hell yeah!!! I hate to hear that. Do you ever know what you should do before doing that shit above??? I was expecting a proper notice at least an hour in advance, but I do receive not even one. This is it, the very much good reason to mad about this thing. In my head, "Another day wasted" for not done a single fish of my works.

I shouldn't really get mad of that honestly. What if they're facing the problem all of the sudden? It's not their fault, is it? Hurmmm, perhaps. But if they're really not planning for this maintenance stuff or something -which they can't inform to their customers in advance- I really hope to see an apologize notice, or text message from them sooner. Because that's what they should do.

Well, the story ends there. As I'm trying to be positive as I can. I know all these nonsense talks are just nothing but a complaint from my anger heart, but I also know something that would, perhaps, be a good reason to share the story.

"If we're broken, we got to fix ourselves. As we're fixing, make sure everybody around us know what we're doing, so they will also know what they should do. And if things get worse, be in our best to make it better. And if everything fixed, ask for apologize from those who are involved. Because a better situation right after the bad condition don't heals peoples' heart. As a good weather right after the very bad storm don't fixed broken houses."

Please get to know thing you should do. Either after you've done something wrong, or something right.

Monday, July 22, 2013

What I Need In Life

Do you know what you really need in life? Some may say, love. Good person will suggest practice good deeds. Bad person will say, do whatever you want to do, without hesitation. Some may say, interaction. Or maybe harmonisation. 

For me, the most needed thing in life is responsibility. I do try being responsible all the time, mostly. It's the best thing that can take care of your, either physical or spiritual or both, relationship. But, my life still horrible after all.

I'm often having warm sweet green tea with couple slices of cakes or cookies during tea time. Since it is Ramadan (a fasting month for all Muslims) I decided to just sit down at my room veranda, looking for the answer, and the sources of problems I faced late few months.

"Consistency!” yes, that it is. That what I don't have all these times. I missed this one quality at almost of my works. Thinking of responsibility as the most important thing in a person life. The importance of consistency shouldn't be ignored.

I still remember few months ago, the weeks I struggled with my projects and examination papers, if you read my note on that ("Why I don't blog"), you'll know how terrified my life was.

At that time, I talk about responsibility all the time. As a group leader of this project, that assignment, this blablabla, I should done all those things at its best, or at least at the best my group could do. It's really not a good statement. I swear if I talk to my dad using the word 'could' itself, I'll be ask to correct it. I think of it all the time. I want to solve my problems before entering the new semester on this upcoming September. I look for some tips and advices all over the webs. Then, I end up with few articles on 'Time Management'.

 The achievement of a level of performance that does not vary greatly in quality over time.

Consistency, conformity in the application of something, typically that which is necessary for the sake of logic, accuracy, or fairness. I'm absolutely lacking on that one value. I'm not consistent doing my works, my assignment, my projects, my reports, the programs I joined, and on most thing in my life. 

I were holding on this one negative value that I believe it works all the time, last minute preparation. I have three big projects to be settled in two months period of time. And I finish it in two weeks on the last week of that duration. On the other words, it's over the due date. What did I really do on the early of that period? I don't really remember actually. Sleeping, playing games, tweeting, I don't know, I lost my memory because of the pressure during finishing all those stuff.

Lack of consistency. Very well example, I shouldn't let it happen again. Thinking of my terrible life, why does it's only happened to me? Why not to everyone else as my assignment or projects are the same as them as well. I should notice that thing earlier. Well whatever happened to me could happen to you at any time, isn't it? So please take my story as an advance self-reminder to you.

“The most beloved of deeds to Allah are the  most consistent of them, even if they  are few”
(Al-Bukhari no. 6464 and Muslim no. 2818).