Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hope 2.0

"I'm done giving hope. Because I will never be an idol, never be..."

Why 'Hope 2.0'? Because the first version is here. I hate hoping for something, hoping for someone, hoping myself to be like this, to be like that, to be better, or whatsoever. But then I saw this movie, Hugo. A movie adapted from a novel, 'The Invention of Hugo Cabret' by Brian Selznick is such an inspiring one. 

So how actually the movie does inspired me to keep hoping? Let’s start with two scenes of the original script from the movie.



Hugo kneels to wind the clock, which is at foot level. Isabelle sits next to him.


It's the only way we'll find out everything ... Papa Georges will see that there are people who remember him. How can that be wrong?


I don't know...

Please, Isabelle ... I have to know what this is all about.

She nods.

He works on the clock.

Through the clock face she notices Monsieur Rouleau putting away his brushes for the day. His Surrealist painting is coming along well.

She sees a passing WHEALTHY COUPLE commenting unfavourably on his painting. Monsieur Rouleau ignores them with dignity.

Poor Monsieur Rouleau ... He works so hard. People just don't understand.

He keeps at it though. He's got a real ... purpose.

What do you mean?


Could you hand me that?

She hands him a tool from the bucket.

She flops over on her back, looking up at him as he continues to work on the clock:

I mean ... Did you ever notice that all machines are made for some reason? They make you laugh, like Papa Georges toys, or they tell time, like the clocks ... Maybe that's why broken machines always make me sad, because they can't do what they're meant to do.

She looks up at him. From her perspective, he is beautifully framed by the intricate clockwork.

Maybe it's the same with people. If you lose your purpose ... it's like you're broken.

Like Papa Georges.

Maybe ... And we can fix him.

He continues to work on the clock.

A beat as she watches him.

Is that your purpose?


That. Fixing things.

I don't know. It's what my father did.

Then what's my purpose?

I don't know.

A long beat as she thinks about it.

It seems to make her sad.

Maybe if I had known my parents I would know.

A beat.

The people I read about in books, they always have a purpose ... But maybe I don't.

She gazes out over the terminal, a little lost.

He looks at her.

A beat.

Come with me.


The enormous clock.

The majestic view of Paris.

Again, vaguely unreal. Like an exquisite toy model.

The lights of the city are twinkling on. It is magical. The whole city seems to move and flow like an elegant, perfect machine.

Hugo and Isabelle look over the city.

Right after my father died, I would come up here a lot ... I would imagine that the whole world was one big machine. Machines never have any extra parts, you know. They always have the exact number they need. So I figured if the entire world was a big machine I couldn't be an extra part, I had to be here for some reason ... And that means you have to be here for some reason, too.

She is touched.

Paris sparkles below. Like it is made of stars.

The only sound is steady, rhythmic pulse of the clock's machinery.

She gently takes his hand.

They are silhouetted before the glowing city.


Isn't it beautiful? I was touched watching these two scenes. Yes, I lost my hope. And to gain it back is not easy, absolutely not easy. But what Hugo mentioned on the film is such a wakeup call. Everybody have their own purpose, in life, to both, in God and humanity. So to hope again is of course another next thing-to-do list.

"Do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others." (Phil. 2:4)

p/s: if any of you wants the movie, tweet me, i can send you the download link :)