Friday, July 26, 2013

Get To Know Better.

Its few minutes before 11 at night here. Sitting next to my cousin bed in this ward, I'm trying to cool down my anger.

I don't really a type that can get angry if someone or some situation don't please my condition in general. For me, anger is just a thing that could make things better in the future, BUT it mostly turns vice versa. So I prefer to forgive people, because we're all the whole time learners.

However, it's still compulsory to get angry with someone's 'unique' which probably can't stand with normal peoples' language. So as my story began just now, I literally having problem with the internet connection. I might sounds ridiculous but for your information, I have works, a lot of them, to be done with only if there is internet.

"Emergency calls only", urghhh!!! (x_x")
I just renew my subscription of the weekly broadband plan and hope that it would make my works done faster than using the monthly post-paid plan from another internet service provider on my home. At first, all my downloads and uploads run well. But since around 12 at noon today, things gone wrong.I was assuming that might be caused by some devices in this hospital which can disable wireless connection as it's required by some machines for other patients’ safety. Yes, these devices are exist. But then when I went out from the hospital area, it's still the same.

For sure it's not a good reason to get angry with the service provider. Do you know what the good one is? It's when you try to make a report about it, you just can't because you obviously can't make a call is there's no service around. I started feel annoy at that time. Still, I manage to find other alternative to contact my internet service provider. At the end, I finally can reach them by using other open network somewhere in the city. Trying to be more rational, I look around their websites for an announcement of 'maintenance' stuff or something. Yet it's not there. So I make a call via public phone.

"The internet service is not available at current time, we are sorry for your inconvenience"

Hell yeah!!! I hate to hear that. Do you ever know what you should do before doing that shit above??? I was expecting a proper notice at least an hour in advance, but I do receive not even one. This is it, the very much good reason to mad about this thing. In my head, "Another day wasted" for not done a single fish of my works.

I shouldn't really get mad of that honestly. What if they're facing the problem all of the sudden? It's not their fault, is it? Hurmmm, perhaps. But if they're really not planning for this maintenance stuff or something -which they can't inform to their customers in advance- I really hope to see an apologize notice, or text message from them sooner. Because that's what they should do.

Well, the story ends there. As I'm trying to be positive as I can. I know all these nonsense talks are just nothing but a complaint from my anger heart, but I also know something that would, perhaps, be a good reason to share the story.

"If we're broken, we got to fix ourselves. As we're fixing, make sure everybody around us know what we're doing, so they will also know what they should do. And if things get worse, be in our best to make it better. And if everything fixed, ask for apologize from those who are involved. Because a better situation right after the bad condition don't heals peoples' heart. As a good weather right after the very bad storm don't fixed broken houses."

Please get to know thing you should do. Either after you've done something wrong, or something right.