Numbers. It always matter the most, right?
I was thinking of what will I be five years from now. If you ask me about next year's plan, I still can't answer it. Too much for me to expect next year. New life, with a new lifestyle, have a short getaway to Mongolia perhaps (just if I have the health and money), AND start my intern. Oh dammit, I almost had forgotten about internship! Not sending my resume to any company yet. Not even have my resume done (-_-)" Okay, mister, make sure to finish it after you post this entry #NotToSelf
So back to the five-years-from-now story, eh no, it should be two-years-from-now story. It should be what will happen two years from now, what will happen when I'm turning 23.

Let's talk about other than how my convocation day looks like. Oh, optimistically I already promised a good job at the place I did my intern ;) If I'm placed in Penang or anywhere in Pantai Timur, it'll be a pleasure, but please not Johor or KL. I just wanna try new environment. Singapore? Okay, boleh KIV for later, I got to consider my financial status at that particular time first.
Talks about financial status, oh yes, my RM37,000 education loan. 3 to the 7 to the 0 to the 0 to the what ever, I feel like it has countless 0s. Erghhh... If, JUST IF I get the job in Singapore. Assume my basic salary is SGD2500 exchanged will be RM6000. Minus the living cost and saving and blablabla, I'll have RM1000 to pay my loan monthly. Means, I'll settle my loans in just 37 months. Three years plus, right? Just so you know, my calculation above is impossible even if I get the job in Singapore :'(
Ah, I hate myself for not letting my dad to pay the tuition fees. I refuse to accept his kindness with a really nonsense reason (but acceptable lah). I told him I wanna pay my fees with my own hard work, which is during my working period. What ever lah, mister.
In the end, while people on the other side of the globe are millionaire when they're 18, I'm 23 and I have RM37,000 debts.