i'm so busy... on the other side, idk what am i doing -_-" it's sounds lifeless,
but the truth is, this is students' life look like, perhaps.
Well, few months ago was our University General Election and the first election I'd ever involve in. So, I'd voted few candidates that I really really hope that they can do something to our University, or at least, make a change. Some how, I was so tired with hoping someone will do this, do that. So, I stop hoping, and wanna be more independent person.
Let be one, because if you don't try now, I don't think you'll ever survive. If you're born in a richi-rich family background, you might not need it. But I'm not that person, lucky still, my family can send me to the University. I'm independent enough to live without them by my side, but not really enough to live my life alone.
I went to the counselor, just for fun, to ask about what I supposed to do? How? How to be more independent than I before?
Recall back what she was telling me yesterday (the day before the election), she started with "Accept yourself". I can't be an independent man if I don't make myself strong she said, and to do so, I need to accept all the capability inside me. Then, accept yourself, just the way you are. Yes, I couldn't agree more. She's right.
The are many others step to be followed to. Right after we accept ourselves, we must accept the world. But how? What for?
"Independent people are not vain, nor do they believe the entire human race is cruel. Independent people are those who see the world, with its good and its bad, and consciously choose to be strong for themselves and others. You are not independent because you do not trust anyone. You are not independent because you think highly of yourself. Master this technique. Learn to accept the world, and decide to be strong."
I started to like her right after that. what she'd said is absolute true. However, tbh I still couldn't see any relation in that. So, I asked about any closer perspective. She told me (of course I can't quote what she said exactly), what I need is actually just be myself, then I'll flow automatically, be fully independence. But, I have to consider few tiny things that I couldn't really handle as a student, is to be emotionally independent, and is to be financially independent.
Again, she got the point. Yes I do cannot handle those two things. I'd cry a lot, just so you know. And still, don't have my own livelihood. I just can't do anything about it on this moment. She add, "So let it to time".
The are many others step to be followed to. Right after we accept ourselves, we must accept the world. But how? What for?
I started to like her right after that. what she'd said is absolute true. However, tbh I still couldn't see any relation in that. So, I asked about any closer perspective. She told me (of course I can't quote what she said exactly), what I need is actually just be myself, then I'll flow automatically, be fully independence. But, I have to consider few tiny things that I couldn't really handle as a student, is to be emotionally independent, and is to be financially independent.
Again, she got the point. Yes I do cannot handle those two things. I'd cry a lot, just so you know. And still, don't have my own livelihood. I just can't do anything about it on this moment. She add, "So let it to time".
Sometimes, talk to stranger seems so much better even the truth is,
they don't understand the real situation.