Monday, May 21, 2012


Yesterday night (its already dawn time actually) my brother ask me to update my blog. At first, "What the hell are you thinking?" because I really have  no idea what to write about. 

Think, think and think,

suddenly I remember something that I really wanna share before,

 but I keep forgotten.

Hey guys, do you ever see anyone else or yourself, maybe, experienced this situation? Yes, I were. It's hard to accept that actually. Even harder if heard that from your best friend or your special one. Even though you know that they are joking, but for me myself, it is still hurting me.

Yes, I guess all of us knew already what things can and can't be touched or played with whenever we're having conversation with others (for example, sensitive issues such races, faiths and politics). However, sometime we're forgot (don't even know at all perhaps) that physical appearance also can be categorized as a sensitive issue. Well, anything else that can be considered as important and serious issues, these things also categorized as sensitive.

Just be reminded,
we need to stop making fun of others.
Especially when it comes to a serious and sensitive issue.

From Borneo with ..\/, PEACE

malas nak tulis entry panjang-panjang sebab ada orang complain malas nak baca :) PEACE